How to to include FORUM on Blogger Blogs

Author of tutorial -

Many people would like to include forums on their blog. Wordpress has several plugins available but its commonly believed that bulletin board type discussions forums can not be integrated into a blogger blog. This is incorrect.

Blogger likes widgets and there are several widget based forums available like Nabble and Bravenet. What is required is to create a space on your blog for the widget to run.

Here's how to do that:

1. Create a static page using Greenlava's instructions:

The hack on the Blogger Sentral website is by far the best Pages hack for blogger. It hides the sidebars and creates a large post box to drop a widget into.

2. Go to a widget based forum site ( I used and setup your forums. Copy the embedded code.

3. Go to Blogger and start a new post. Past code into the HTML box. Then add the static label to convert the post into a page and save.

4. View to make sure it works OK , then link to the page from your home page. Its done! See my website for an example:

If you have any question feel free to post a comment.